Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Super Advertising

This commercial is amazing, swan dive! It cost about $2.6 million dollars to make and was totally worth it. It got over 18 million hits on you tube alone and my man is now required to wear it. diamonds. ;)

Each bottle of Old Spice is approximately $4.00. This means that that about 650,000 bottles need to be sold to cover the cost of the ad. I believe that between the millions of viewers from the superbowl and the millions from youtube they will more that cover this and probably make a hefty profit.

Addressing Olson's comment: According to Old Spice, it costs less 25 cents to make a stick so that would make each bottle approximately a 3.50 profit and consequently they would have to sell more like 742,000 bottles, not much more.

1 comment:

  1. How much do you think it costs old spice to manufacture their $4 deodorant? Does that change your estimate at all?

    18 Million hits is impressive...

    That add is pretty funny though!
