Friday, January 28, 2011


-The goal of this exercise was to order a number of items by the amount of value they had to you if you were lost at sea. In this activity, I choose water as the most important thing to bring along with you. I thought that this was the obvious choice being that a human can only survive for 3 days with out water. Next I choose a fishing kit because I thought that it could get you food, but looking back I now understand that I should have choosen the canned food over it because there is no guarantee that you will catch any fish. I choose the maps of the Pacific last because we are supposed to be in the Atlantic.
-When I compared my choices to my team we had very similar choices. Water for all of us was the top choice and the rest were in a very close range to each other. One that was radically different was chocolate. My team mates put it much higher than I did. I think that I was stuck on the health aspects of the food rather than the fact that you need food to survive.
For the most part our lists were very similar and if there was a difference then we would go with whatever was ranked the highest for the majority.
-The coast guard made some interesting choices. They were quite different from what I choose. He put the water as number 3 and the mirror at number 1. I was suprised that water wasn't first, though I did understand his reasoning that you could use the mirror to signal. Furthermore, he put the mosquito netting as last. I put it slightly higher up because I thought you could burn it or use it for fishing.
-I put more weight on experiencial data. This is because I trust the experience more than simply knowledge. If someone experienced something, they would understand it better than someone who just studied it.

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